Friends of Rowledge School (FORS)

FORS NewLEtters
Brand new newsletter coming soon!
CLASS Representatives
Reception |
Flora Rigg & Sarah-Jane Womersley |
Y1 |
Claire Colcombe & Bridget Walton |
Y2 |
Ayesha Johnson-Padda & Laura Keelty |
Y3 |
Emma Ford & Taz Finn |
Y4 |
Jane Le Marchant & Gemma Goatly |
Y5 |
Charlotte Cosier & Jenny Smith |
Y6 |
Amanda Thain & Hannah Frankel |
Other contacts | |
Co-Chairs | Sam Gillard and Jo Long |
Treasurer | Alex Tarrant |
Second Hand uniform | Sarah Odgers, Alison Saynor & Rachel Mitchell |
Newsletter | Hannah Frankel |
Secretary | Hannah Frankel |
Being a Class Rep is an important and rewarding role. Class Reps help build a sense of community among the class parents and they can help provide the link between the parents and FORS. Like every parent, Class Reps are invited to the FORS Committee meetings (once a term) to gain a broader understanding of what the PTA does for the school.
The Role of a Class Rep
Maintaining Class Lists
Keeping (and circulating) an up to date list of all the children in the class and their contact details. It is very important to get everyone's permission to be added to the list. This is a very handy list for everyone in the class to have, for everything from playdates to emergency pick-up help! It is not to be circulated outside the school community and not to be used for commercial purposes.
Organising Social Events for Parents
Class coffee mornings and parents’ nights out are always good fun and the most effective way of helping parents get to know each other and generating a good team spirit in your class. The class reps may organise these from time to time but they will always be thankful if anyone else wants to organise a class get together.
Christmas Fair and Summer Fair
Every year group is allocated stalls for the fairs and Class Reps are responsible for coordinating the preparation, rota, clearing up, and notes. Whilst the class reps are responsible for pulling together the parents in their cohort, they should not be the only parents that help!
Teacher's Presents
If your class decides it wants to give the teacher and the teaching assistant a Christmas or end of year present, the Class Reps will usually organise this however if another parent in the class wishes to this they won’t be offended!
Some teachers appreciate help with communication to parents.
Next Year's Reps
Just because someone offers to be rep it doesn’t have to be for the whole 7 years of primary school, so if you would like to be a class rep at the end of the school year let your current class rep know.
Welcome to the Friends of Rowledge School (FORS) homepage. FORS is a charitable organisation run by parents and teachers at the school, to help raise additional funds to buy things that the school budget doesn't stretch to.
We want to share with you some of the great things that your money has been used for. Without the support of parents attending, running and helping at these events none of it would be possible, so THANK YOU! In the school year 2017/18 we raised almost £22,000 from all the events and gift aid donations. In 2018/19 we hope to raise a simialar amount, so far we have raised:
Christmas Fair (£3211), Fireworks Display (£3682), Wreath making (£475) plus Gift Aid Donations . We have our quiz night on March 9th hosted by quiz masters Joe Yates and Linsay Beaver - it is always a good night out.
In addition to the above fundraising, £1000 was gifted to our partner school in Pambogo from sales of Christmas cards designed by the children. To read more about this, please read the Feb 2019 FORS newsletter at the left of this page.
This year's fundraising will go towards converting the existing school kitchen into a multi-purpose design & technology/cookery room that the children can fully utilise. Ms Oliver estimates it will cost between £30-40,000, but it is a resource that will keep giving, in terms of learning opportunities and enriching experiences. We are half way to making this happen, so please give your support to all the forthcoming events, this new resource will give your child enriched practical learning experiences.
How do you get involved with FORS?
We're always looking for parents to get involved, without volunteers FORS simply couldn't raise the money it does. Please feel free to come along to the FORS meetings once a term - wine and nibbles are provided! The dates are always publicised in the school calendar. Each class have class representatives who represent the parents of their respective classes at the PTA meetings, however we do encourage other parents to attend. It is a great way of getting to know other parents and feel more connected to what is happening at school. The class reps are also responsible for organising volunteers from their parent groups to assist with making the events we plan possible. Please speak to your class rep about how you can get more involved.
EASYFundraising - please sign up today
Another easy way of supporting school is through Easyfundraising. Please sign up today search for Rowledge school PTA. Between 1-4% of your online spend on purchases from stores such as John Lewis, Amazon, Tesco, Asda and The White Company to name just a few of the thousands, will be donated back to the school.
IT DOESN'T COST YOU ANYTHING, you just need to support your cause (Rowledge school PTA) through the website and when shopping online go to your chosen retailers website either via the easyfundraising homepage or by installing an app from the easy fundraising website, which then remembers your cause whenever you're visiting an online retailer which is registered with easyfundraising. Just imagine, if every family contributed just 1% of their annual online spend to school, we would raise a lot of money without having to do very much at all.